Monday, September 22, 2008

No more blank checks- especially for $1 trillion dollars - for the Bush Administration!

Have you read Paul Krugman’s latest column yet? Here it is:

This detailed, insightful, and scathing critique of the Bush/Paulson bailout plan for Wall Street tycoons and thieves. Why should the American taxpayers spend $700 billion with no oversight to pay cold cash for pure trash? To maintain Manhattan penthouses for Wall Street brokers? Give me a break!

Naturally, I would feel more comfortable with the Obama-Biden team in charge. Bush has made a mess of so many mega-projects from the war against Islamic fascists and Iraq to the deficit, Katrina, and the fiscal crisis. Enough with the blank checks to an arrogant, irresponsible, and so often very deluded and corrupt administration!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Is it time for Barack to give a "call me Barry" speech?

How many people do you personally know named John, Susan, or Joe? How many people do you personally know Barack or Hussein? Are your friends Barack or Hussein Muslim?

In small towns across America, voters seem to be concluding that Obama is just a bit too strange, odd, exotic, and foreign for them to support for President. Senator Obama, despite an inspiring convention speech, has had a very rough last five weeks in the polls. It's time for Barack Hussein Obama to take a tip from his Hollywood friends, reach back into his more mainstream, middleclass high school days, and give himself a makeover to fit in. It's time for him to give a "call me Barry" speech.

Americans know many popular figures named Barry - from Barry Bonds and Barry White to Barry Goldwater. Most Americans have never meet anybody named Barak, Hussein, or Obama. Nor have visited Indonesia, attended private high schools in Hawaii, gone to Ivy League colleges (Columbia and Harvard Law), or find the call to Islamic prayers "one of the most beautiful sounds in the world." They have never attended a mosque, meet a real Muslim, or been a member of a black liberationist church. Nor are these small town, patriotic Americans entirely sure what to make of Obama's hesitation to wear a flag pin or inability to identify the murderers who attacked us as Islamic terrorists.

Obama, despite his considerable charm, exudes mystery, strangeness, and potential danger. Glenn Beck, the uber-conservative talk show host on CNN, actually asked a religious minister on his show this question: "What are the chances that Obama is the anti-Christ?" What!!! How is this religious nonsense even broadcast in the 21st century? Where does the rationalist begin?

Yet Beck's bizarre question also illuminates why Obama must reach out to both small town and suburban middle America. He needs to symbolically say, "I hear your caution, understand your suspicion of an unknown man with a weird name, promising to help you. You've been lied to many times before by politicians seeking your vote, and you - and your family and your nation are hurting. You know the status quo doesn't work, you want change, but you find it very hard to vote for a guy with Muslim name during a time of war against Muslim extremists in Afghanistan and Iraq. Okay. Just call me Barry O if that helps. Don't let my name keep you from voting for your economic self interests. Many people have called me Barry before, and I like the name Barry. So just call me Barry and vote Democratic on November 3."

If Obama gives this speech - and starts talking about "our country" and "my nation" instead of "this country", he might still win this election. Otherwise, McCain stands an excellent chance of winning the election.