Saturday, January 3, 2009

Too Many Western Progressives Misunderstand Hamas, Gaza

Sometimes our idealism can lead us astray. We yearn for utopia, and fall into hell on earth: the communist revolutions, Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, and the Iranian revolution.

If we want peace in the Mideast and a two-state solution, than we have to reject the demands for absolute war from Hamas and Iran. Wanting Israel to disappear is fantasizing, like the Nazis, about a world without Jews. This is genocidal, violent, murderous fantasy that will only lead to more wars, more bloodshed, and more pain. People wanting people should embrace realism, compromise, and human rights - not religious fanaticism.

Hamas has chosen to reject Israel's right to even exist, launched missiles, promised to impose sharia on everyone - zealous Muslim and cultural Muslim, nonbeliever and Christian. Hamas' vision is one of war, war, and war. Therefore, it's impossible for Israel to make peace with that terrorist organization until it accepts Israel's right to exist and removes the "kill the last Jew behind the last rock" pledge in its charter.

Finally, let's be clear that whatever Israel's sins may be they are nothing compared to the French in Algeria, the Germans in WWII, or the Americans in Vietnam. Nobody, however, calls for the abolition of France, Germany, or the United States. Calling for Israel, still the only democracy in the Mideast, to be abolished is pure anti-semitism and blind hatred of Jews. Enough said.

Support peace. Support Israel. Support the Palestinian Authority. Support the Palestinian and Israeli people. Support the IDF as it removes Hamas' ability to wage endless jihad and war.

Why do Hamas leaders who encourage young women and men to commit suicide hide in bunkers? Don't they want to go to heaven and enjoy their mythical 72 virgins?
Your detailed, often painful to read reports highlight the human lives destroyed by the misleadership of Hamas and their fanatical policies of eternal jihad.
Palestinians, Israelis, Egyptians - everyone in the Mideast - deserves more rational, reasonable, and moderate leaders. How many children must die for Hamas' cowardly leaders?

We need to make this clear to mislead, misguided so-called western progressives.