Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gunmen Trash UN Gaza Summer Camp

"Islamic extremists, including a Hamas legislator, have accused the U.N. in the past of corrupting Gaza's youth, objecting to camp activities such as folklore dancing. A number of Islamic groups more militant than Hamas have carried out violence in the territory in the past few years." Crazy begets crazy, as Islamic fanaticism grows and deepens.

"Hamas is also becoming more assertive in imposing its strict version of Islam on daily life in Gaza. It has ordered male coiffeurs out of women's salons, and teenage girls are under intense pressure from teachers to wear headscarves and robes in government schools." And this "pressure" to conform comes in the form of honor killings, public whippings, and stonings.

Sometimes idealistic idiots have to suffer first hand from extremist violence before they believe it exists. Yet the UN, which famously remained neutral as Serbs slaughtered thousands of innocent civilians in a UN safe zone in Bosnia, never seems to learn that sometimes you must defend yourself from violent gunmen.

So the UN, long a defend of Islamic terrorist states and constant defamer of the only democratic government in the Mideast (Israel), has discovered that Hamas really is a violent, psychopathic and Islamic movement. They really want to impose Sharia and kill the last Jew behind the last tree - just like their charter says and they have publicly proclaimed for years.

Will our so-called, misguided humanitarians ever learn? Perhaps not. Probably not.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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